Kaukin Andrey S.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Acting Head of Center for Real Sector, Head of Industrial Organization and Infrastructure Economics Department

Phone number: (495) 629-47-13
E-mail: kaukin@iep.ru


  • 2004–2010: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Faculty of innovation and high technology, MA;
  • 2008–2010: New Economic School, a certificate listener (put all the required courses in the Master's program of study);
  • 2010: The Fellowship IEP, Specialty 08 00 01 "Economic Theory".

Foreign languages

  • English – fluently
  • Romanian - fluently


  • 2020: Acting Director Center for Real Sector,  Head of the Industrial Organization and Infrastructure Economics Department
  • June 2010: Institute for Economic Policy, researcher
  • June 2010: Russian Foreign Trade Academy, researcher
  • February 2012: Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, researcher.

Professional interests

  • Macroeconomics, International Trade, Econometrics.

Participation in projects

  • An integrated information system for processing and analyzing the decisions and agreements reached with other countries within the framework of the external economic interaction (Ministry of Economic Development, 2010);
  • Development of project documentation for the construction of high-speed highway M4 (CIC Ltd. "Transproject ", 2011);
  • The analysis and forecasting of volumes of foreign trade and transit flows of goods transported through the checkpoints (Ministry of Economic Development, 2011-2012);
  • Research and development of proposals for the implementation of industrial policy taking into account the characteristics and limitations of economic development at the federal and regional level (Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation, 2012).


  • Struktura i produktivnost' rossiyskogo eksporta / Co-author: Freynkman L.M. // Magazine "Ekonomicheskaya politika". № 5, 2009. P. 99–117.
  • Aspekty finansirovaniya innovatsionnoy deyatel'nosti // Empiricheskie issledovaniya innovatsionnyh ekonomik / Co-authors: P.N. Pavlov, A.A. Zharinov. Publishing house "Delo" RANEPA, 2012. P. 38.
  • Nerazvitost' infrastruktury kak bar'er dlya torgovli /Co-author: G. Idrisov // Expert Channel "Ekonomicheskaya politika", 25.03.2013.
  • Gravitatsionnaya model' vneshney torgovli Rossii: sluchay bol'shoy po ploschadi strany s protyazhennoy granitsey /Co-author: G. Idrisov // Magazine "Ekonomicheskaya politika". № 4, 2013. P. 133-
  • Analiz izderzhek peremescheniya tovarov pri modelirovanii vneshnetorgovyh potokov / Co-author: Idrisov G.I. // Magazine "Rossiyskoe predprinimatel'stvo". №№ 12(234)-13(235), June-July', 2013. P. 23-31, 119-125.    
  • Industrial production dynamics in particular sectors of industry / Co-authors: Idrisov G., Ponomarev Yu. // Russian Economy in 2015. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 37). М.: Gaidar Institute Publishers, 2016. p 207-216.