Kudrin Alexey L.

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Principal Researcher


  • 1988: PhD in economics (the thesis: Comparability in the Mechanism of Realization of Relations of Economic Competition).
  • 1985–1988: post-graduate student of the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences;
  • 1983: graduated from the Department of Economics of the Leningrad State University;

Work Experience

  • 2013 – present day: Member of the Expert Council under the President of the Russian Federation.
  • 2010 – present day: Dean of the Department of Free Art and Sciences of the St. Petersburg State University;
  • 2010 – present day: Member of the Government Commission on Economic Development and Integration;
  • 2008 – present day: Member, Deputy Chairman, Chairman of the Council on Development of the Financial Market of the Russian Federation under the President of the Russian Federation;
  • 2007–2011: Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation – Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation;
  • 2004–2007: Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation;
  • 2000–2004: Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation – Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation;
  • 1999–2000: First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation;
  • 1999: First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the RAO UES of Russia (А.B. Chubais was the Chairman of the Board of the RAO UES of Russia);
  • 1998–1999: Representative of Russia in the Executive Committee of the Union of Belarus and Russia;
  • 1997–1999: Deputy Manager on Behalf of the Russian Federation in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development;
  • 1997–1999: Deputy Manager on Behalf of the Russian Federation in the International Monetary Fund;
  • 1997–1999: First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation;
  • 1996–1997: Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation – Head of the Main Audit Department of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • 1993–1996: Deputy Mayor, First Deputy Mayor (А.А. Sobchak was the Mayor of St. Petersburg), Member of the City Government and Chairman of the Committee on Economy and Finances of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office;
  • 1992–1993: Chairman of the Main Financial Department of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office (later – the Financial Committee);
  • 1991–1992: Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Development of St. Petersburg; curator of investment policy issues;
  • 1990–1991: Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Reforms of the Lensovet Executive Committee and the Committee on Administration of the Leningrad Free Enterprise Zone;
  • 1983–1988: The Institute of Social and Economic Matters of the USSR Academy of Sciences;


  • The Order for Service to the Fatherland (III grade) (September 30, 2010) – for substantial contribution to implementation of the state financial policy and long-term dedicated work;
  • The Order for Service to the Fatherland (IV grade) (October 12, 2005) – for substantial contribution to implementation of the state financial policy and long-term dedicated work;
  • Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation (December 12, 2008) – for active participation in preparation of the draft of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and substantial contribution to development of democratic foundations of the Russian Federation;
  • Letter of Acknowledgement of the President of the Russian Federation (March 11, 1997) – for active participation in preparation of the 1997 State of the Nation Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly;
  • Letter of Acknowledgement of the President of the Russian Federation (April 12, 2004) – for active participation in lawmaking activities;
  • P.A. Stolypin Medal (I grade) (October 5, 2010) – for active participation in development of the main guidelines for social and economic development of the Russian Federation;
  • Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Russian Federation (October 10, 2000) – for effective state activities;
  • Letter of Acknowledgement of the Government of the Russian Federation (October 12, 2005) – for service in the field of financial and economic activities;
  • The Plaque for Service to the City of Archangelsk (2009);
  • Winner of the Russian Brilliant Prize in the "Dignity nomination (September 11, 2007);
  • V.V. Leontiev Medal for Achievements in the Economy – for an outstanding contribution to the long-term stability of the Russian financial system;
  • Great Officer of the Order for Service to the Italian Republic (February 8, 2011, Italy).

Scientific Work

А.L. Kudrin is the author of over 30 scientific papers.

 Articles in Scientific Monographs and Journals

  • St. Peterspurg's Progress Towards the Market // International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 1997. Vol. 21. p. 425.Bjudzhet-2002 – sbalansirovannyj i realistichnyj // Finansy. 2002. № 1. p. 3.
  • Federal'nyj bjudzhet: itogi i zadachi // Finansy. 2003. № 1.[In Russian only]
  • Federal'nyj bjudzhet – 2004: novye jekonomicheskie tendencii // Finansy. 2004. № 1. p. 3. [In Russian only]
  • Federal'nyj bjudzhet – vazhnejshij instrument realizacii gosudarstvennoj politiki // Finansy. 2005. № 1. p. 3. [In Russian only]
  • Stabilizacionnyj fond: zarubezhnyj i rossijskij opyt // Voprosy jekonomiki, № 2, 2006. p. 28-45. [In Russian only]
  • Jekonomicheskaja politika i federal'nyj bjudzhet 2006 goda // Finansy. 2006. № 2. p. 3–8. [In Russian only]
  • Gosudarstvennyj dolg Rossii. Peremena dekoracii // Rynok cennyh bumag. 2006. № 3. p. 22. [In Russian only]
  • Mehanizmy formirovanija neneftegazovogo balansa bjudzheta Rossii // Voprosy jekonomiki, № 8, 2006. p. 4-16. [In Russian only]
  • Real'nyj jeffektivnyj kurs rublja: problemy rosta // Voprosy jekonomiki, № 10, 2006. p. 4-18. [In Russian only]
  • O proekte federal'nogo bjudzheta na 2007 god // Finansy. 2006. № 11. p. 3–6. [In Russian only]
  • Trehletnij bjudzhet – bjudzhet diversikacii jekonomiki // Finansy. 2007. № 4. p. 3–8. [In Russian only]
  • Infljacija: rossijskie i mirovye tendencii // Voprosy jekonomiki, № 10, 2007. p. 4-26. [In Russian only]
  • Makrojekonomicheskie problemy rossijskoj jekonomiki // Jekonomicheskaja politika. 2008. № 1. p. 15. [In Russian only]
  • Mozgovoj shtorm / Soavt.: Trushin A., Uljukaev A., Nabiullina Je., Judaeva K., Fursenko A. // Prjamye investicii. 2008. № 5. p. 18–24. [In Russian only]
  • Ne byvaet stabil'nyh stran bez reshennyh pensionnyh problem // Buhgalterskij uchet v bjudzhetnyh i nekommercheskih organizacijah, № 19, 2008. p. 14-18. [In Russian only]
  • Bjudzhet – osnova obespechenija dolgosrochnoj finansovoj ustojchivosti strany // Finansy. 2008. № 12. p. 3–8. [In Russian only]
  • Puzyr' eshhe ne sdulsja / Avtoritetnoe mnenie // Prjamye investicii. 2009. № 7. p. 6-7. [In Russian only]
  • Obespechit' stabil'nost' bjudzhetnoj sistemy, vypolnenie gosudarstvennyh objazatel'stv // Buhgalterskij uchet v bjudzhetnyh i nekommercheskih organizacijah, № 8, 2009. p. 6-9. [In Russian only]
  • Mirovoj finansovyj krizis i ego vlijanie na Rossiju // Voprosy jekonomiki, № 1, 2009. p. 9-27. [In Russian only]
  • The global financial crisis and its impact on Russia // Problemy jekonomiki. 2009. №1. p. 9. [In Russian only]
  • Bjudzhet-2010: vypolnenie social'nyh objazatel'stv, podderzhka jekonomiki // Finansy. 2009. № 12. p. 3–8. [In Russian only]
  • Ustojchivaja bankovskaja sistema kak sostavljajushhaja jekonomicheskoj bezopasnosti gosudarstva // Jetap: jekonomicheskaja teorija, analiz, praktika. 2010. № 5. p. 4–10. [In Russian only]
  • Osnovnye napravlenija bjudzhetnoj politiki na 2011 god i planovyj period 2012 i 2013 godov // Jetap: jekonomicheskaja teorija, analiz, praktika. 2010. № 6. p. 7–77. [In Russian only]
  • Bjudzhet modernizacii jekonomiki Rossii // Finansy. 2011. № 1. p. 3–9. [In Russian only]
  • Posledstvija krizisa ?i perspektivy social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija Rossii / Soavt.: O. Sergienko // Voprosy jekonomiki, № 3, 2011.p. 4-19. [In Russian only]
  • Puti modernizacii rossijskoj jekonomiki // Jetap: jekonomicheskaja teorija, analiz, praktika. 2011. № 4. p. 4–13. [In Russian only]
  • Vedushhie strany v global'noj jekonomike // Jekonomicheskaja politika, № 5, 2011. p. 5-8. [In Russian only]
  • Chego my zhdem ot novogo pravitel'stva // Jekonomicheskaja politika, № 2, 2012 p. 59-72. [In Russian only]
  • Starenie naselenija i ugroza bjudzhetnogo krizisa / Soavt.: E. Gurvich // Voprosy jekonomiki, № 3, 2012.p. 1-28. [In Russian only]
  • Rossija i mir: 2012–2020: materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Gajdarovskij forum – 2012) / RANHiGS pri Prezidente RF, Institut jekonomicheskoj politiki imeni E.T. Gajdara, Fond Egora Gajdara. - M.: Izd-vo Instituta Gajdara, 2012. - p. 127-132. [In Russian only]
  • Vlijanie dohodov ot jeksporta neftegazovyh resursov na denezhno-kreditnuju politiku Rossii // Voprosy jekonomiki, № 3, 2013. p. 4-19. [In Russian only]
  • Rossija i mir: vyzovy integracii / Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Gajdarovskij forum – 2013) / Rossijskaja akad. narod. hozjajstva i gos. sluzhby pri Prezidente RF, In-t jekon. politiki im. E.T. Gajdara, Fond Egora Gajdara. - M.: Izd-vo In-ta Gajdara, 2013. p. 10. [In Russian only]
  • Russia and the World: Challenges of the Integration / Materials of the International Research and Practice Conference (Gaidar Forum – 2013) / The RANEPA, the Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, the Yegor Gaidar Fund - М.: The Publishing House of the Gaidar Institute, 2013. - p. 10. 
  • The Influence of Oil and Gas Exports on Russia's Monetary Policy // Problems of Economic Transition, 2014, vol. 57, issue 1, pages 3–26.
  • A new growth model for the Russian economy / Co-authors: A. Kudrin, E. Gurvich // Russian Journal of Economics. Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2015, Pages 30–54.

Articles and Interviews in the Mass Media

  • Neobhodima konsolidacija usilij // Finansy. 2001. № 1. S. 3.
  • Ja zapretil by v rjade otraslej imet' gossobstvennost' // Kommersant## – Den'gi. 2004. № 32. p. 10.
  • A. Kudrin: "Finansovye itogi 2006 goda mozhno ocenit' kak pozitivnye..." // Nalogovaja politika i praktika, № 2, 2007. p. 04-07.
  • Vystuplenie ministra finansov RF, predsedatelja Nacional'nogo bankovskogo soveta A.L. Kudrina // Den'gi i kredit. 2007. № 7. p. 5–9.
  • O pritoke kapitala v Rossiju // BIKI, №6, 2008. p. 2a-3.
  • «Ne byvaet stabil'nyh stran bez reshennyh pensionnyh problem» // Buhgalterskij uchet v bjudzhetnyh i nekommercheskih organizacijah. 2008. № 19. p. 14–18.
  • Obespechit' stabil'nost' bjudzhetnoj sistemy, vypolnenie gosudarstvennyh objazatel'stv // Buhgalterskij uchet v bjudzhetnyh i nekommercheskih organizacijah. 2009. № 8. p. 6–9.
  • A. Kudrin: "U nas est' zapas prochnosti. I my ne budem tratit' ego do konca" // Jeffektivnoe antikrizisnoe upravlenie, № 1, 2010. p. 10-15.
  • «My pereshli k postojannoj planovoj rabote» // Vestnik aktual'nyh prognozov. Rossija: tret'e tysjacheletie. 2011. № 26. p. 112–115.
  • "Ja ustal ot polovinchatyh mer i otsutstvija politicheskoj voli" // Kommersant# - Vlast', №21, 03.06.2013.
  • Aleksej KUDRIN: «My uperlis' v stenu jeffektivnosti» // Novaja gazeta, 08.10.2013.
  • Pravila igry – vozvrashhaet na vremja predsedatel' Komiteta grazhdanskih iniciativ Aleksej Kudrin // Kommersant#, №194, 23.10.2013. S. 6.
  • Pravila igry – perevodit s kitajskogo Aleksej Kudrin, predsedatel' Komiteta grazhdanskih iniciativ // Kommersant#, №207, 12.11.2013. S. 6.
  • Rossija na igle // MK.ru, 15.11.2013.
  • Aleksej Kudrin: «Spontannogo padenija rublja ne budet» // The New Times, 24.02.2014.
  • Pravila igry - zashhishhaet Aleksej Kudrin // Kommersant, 09.04.2014.
  • Ne opuskat' ruki i ne bojat'sja // Upravlenie biznesom, 25.04.2014.
  • Kudrin: situacija s Krymom mozhet privesti k nulevomu rostu VVP Rossii v 2014 godu // Interv'ju ITAR-TASS, 22.07.2014.


  • Kak uskorit' jekonomicheskij rost v Rossii? / Doklad na Sankt-Peterburgskom Jekonomicheskom forume // Jekonomicheskaja politika. 2006. № 2. p. 15–23.
  • Doklad na plenarnom zasedanii Gosudarstvennoj Dumy FS RF v svjazi s antikrizisnym otchetom Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii za pervyj kvartal tekushhego goda // Nedvizhimost' i investicii. Pravovoe regulirovanie. 2010. № 3. p. 24–26.
  • Vystuplenie v Gosudarstvennoj Dume FS RF v svjazi s otchetom Pravitel'stva Rossijskoj Federacii ob ispolnenii federal'nogo bjudzheta 2009 goda // Nedvizhimost' i investicii. Pravovoe regulirovanie. 2010. № 3. p. 27–29.
  • Vystuplenie na XIV ezhegodnoj konferencii investorov «Rossija I SNG – na puti k globalizacii» // Nedvizhimost' i investicii. Pravovoe regulirovanie. 2010. № 3. p. 50–53.
  • Vystuplenie na zasedanii komissii po modernizacii i tehnologicheskomu razvitiju jekonomiki // Nedvizhimost' i investicii. Pravovoe regulirovanie. 2010. № 4. p. 12.
  • Vystuplenie na rasshirennom zasedanii Kollegii Federal'nogo kaznachejstva (Moskva, 03.03.2011) // Nedvizhimost' i investicii. Pravovoe regulirovanie. 2011. № 1. p. 13–15.
  • O vozmozhnyh posledstvijah sankcij so storony Zapada. Vystuplenie na sovmestnom zasedanii prezidiumov Sojuza promyshlennikov i predprinimatelej Peterburga i Sojuza promyshlennikov i predprinimatelej Lenoblasti, SPb, 13 marta 2014 g.