Radygin Alexander D.

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Principal Researcher

Phone number: (495) 629-47-13
E-mail: arad@iep.ru


  • 1996 - Doctor in Economic Sciences (Doctoral Thesis "Privatization as the element of system' transformation in the transitional economie", Academy of National Economy under the RF Government)
  • 1987 - Candidate in Economic Sciences (Ph.D. in Economics, Thesis: "EC industrial policy in the 1980-s", Moscow State University);
  • 1984 - Graduate of the Moscow State University, Faculty of Economics;

Professional Experience

Since 1990, Dr. Radygin has been actively involved in research and decision making processes, as a 
  • member of working groups of the RSFSR' Supreme Soviet and of the USSR' Council of Ministers on privatization law (1990-1991),
  • member of the advisory group to the Acting Chairman of the RF Government (1991-1992), economic adviser to the RF State Committee (Ministry) for the Management of State Property, member of the Scientific Council (1991-1998), adviser to the First Deputy Chairman of the RF Government (1993-1994), member of the working group of experts for the Chairman of the RF Government on the elaboration of Medium-run Economic Program and analytical assistance to economic policy (1993-1995) adviser to the Chairman, Federal Commission for Securities Market (1996-1999)
  • Consultant to the OECD (privatization, securities markets development, corporate governance), member of the OECD/World Bank Corporate Governance Roundtable for Russia
  • (1996-ongoing)
  • Chairman of the Council of Governors, Institute for Corporate Law and Corporate Governance (2000-ongoing)
  • Member of the Committee on Corporate Governance, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (2000- ongoing)
Mr. Radygin has also participated in a number of projects under the auspices of international organizations/financial institutions.

Foreign languages

  • English
  • French

Professional Interests

  • institutional changes in transitional economies;
  • ownership reform and privatization;
  • corporate governance and control;
  • securities markets;
  • corporatization and restructuring;
  • industrial and investment policy.

Current position

  • Member of the Board and of the Scientific Council,
  • Head, Department for Institutional Changes & Ownership Structure

Some recent experience

  • 2001 – evaluation of the World Bank activity in Russia (Private and Financial Sector), IET- World Bank Operations Evaluation Dpt. project.
  • 2000-p.t. – Chairman of the Council of Governors, Institute for Corporate Law and Corporate Governance
  • 2000-p.t. - member of the Committee on Corporate Governance, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
  • 2000, May-June – author of the chapter “Protection of Property Rights” for “Main Directions of the Social and Economic Policy of the RF Government for long-term period” (“Putin Programme”)
  • 2000 – author of the “Programme for Corporate Securities Market Development” for NAUFOR and RTS
  • 1999-p.t. – member of the Steering Committee, OECD Ad Hoc group of experts for Improvement of the Investment Climate in Russia
  • 1999-2000 – IET – Know How Fund (UK) research project on Russia Regional Finance Reform (Relationships between Commercial Enterprises and Regional Authorities)
  • 1999-p.t. - research projects on Institutional Reform of Russian Regions, IET - Consortium for Economic Policy Research and Advice (Canada)
  • 1998-p.t. - research project on Institutional Reform and Policy Recommendations within the framework of IET-US Government contract N 118-A-00-98-00196
  • 1998-1999 - research project on corporate governance in Russia for the RF Ministry of Economy
  • 1998-1999 - research project on institutional reform and policy recommendations within the framework of IET-US Government contract N 118-A-00-98-00196
  • 1996-1999 - consultant to the OECD (privatization, securities markets development, corporate governance)
  • 1996-p.t. - adviser to the Chairman, Federal Commission for Securities Market
  • 1995-1997 - "Economic Policy Analysis of the Slovak Republic in the Sphere of Financial Market Development (ACE PHARE research project)
  • 1994-1996 - "Privatization in Post-communist Countries" (Center for Social & Economic Research, Warsaw)
  • 1994-1995 - research project "Secondary markets for corporate control" (IRIS-Maryland University (USA) project)
  • 1993-1998 - "Modern problems of privatization and corporate governance" (EC - Grenoble University (France) - PROMETEEI-II
  • 1993-1995 - member of the working group of experts for the Chairman of the RF Government on the elaboration of Medium-run Economic Programme and analytical assistance to economic policy
  • 1993-1994 - adviser to the First Deputy Chairman of the RF Government
  • 1993 - consultant to UNCTAD (" Comparative Experiences with Privatization")
  • 1992 - consultant to UNIDO ("Industrial Restructuring within the Context of Economic Stabilization and Property Rights Reform in the Eastern Europe")
  • 1991-1998 - economic adviser to the RF State Committee for the Management of State Property, member of the Scientific Council
  • 1991-1992 - member of the advisory group to the Chairman of the RF Government
  • 1990-1991 - member of the working groups of the RSFSR' Supreme Soviet and of the USSR' Council of Ministers on privatization law

Intertnational conferences &  workshops:

  • more than 50 presentations in 1990-1999 in 15 countries


  • Institutional problems of the corporate sector’ development: ownership, control, securities market. Working Papers # 12R. Moscow, IET, 1999 (with R.Entov)
  • Ownership and Control in the Russian Industry. OECD/World Bank Global Corporate Governance Forum. OECD: Paris, 1999 (also see:http://www.oecd.org/daf/peru/governance/in.russia/radygin.pdf)
  • Russian Financial Market and New Forms of Investment (co-auth.). Moscow: IET, 1998
  • Economy in Transition ”(co-auth.). Moscow: IET, 1998
  • The Corporate Securities Market in Russia: General Overview and Government Policy. Paris: OECD, 1998 (DAFF/CMF (98)24)
  • Russian Economy and Policy in 1997. The “White Book”(co-auth.). Moscow: IET, 1998
  • “Securities Markets’ Development in Russia“ (ed., co-auth.). Moscow: FCSM, 1997
  • “Fundamentals of the Stock Market” (ed., co-auth.). Moscow: Delovoy Express, 1st Edition –1997, 2nd Edition – 1998
  • “Securities Markets Development and its Relationship to Corporate Governance in Russia”. Paris: OECD, DAFFE/MC/EW (96)25, 1996 (also see:http://www.oecd.org/daf/peru/governance/russia.htm)
  • “Privatization as the element of system’ transformation in the transitional economie” M., VCNTI, 1996 (1998)
  • “Privatization in the Russian Federation”. Warsaw, CASE Research Foundation, Studies & Analyses N 70, 1996
  • “Problems of the Development of the Collective Investors in Russia"“ (ed., co-auth.). Moscow: FCSM, 1996
  • “Problems of the Securities Market’ Development in Russia“ (ed., co-auth.). Moscow: FCSM, 1995
  • Privatisation in Russia: Hard Choice, First Results, New Targets. London: CRCE-The Jarvis Print Group, 1995
  • “Ownership Reform in Russia: from Past to Future”. Moscow: Respublica, 1994


More than 200 articles, including: