Presentation of the latest issue of Logos Magazine

On May 31, 2012, the presentation of the latest issue of the Logos magazine entitled: Translation of Philosophy/Philosophy of Translation took place.
Within the frameworks of the presentation which was held at the Tsiolkovsky Bookshop, a discussion of the issues of translation took place. Apart from the members of the editorial staff of the Logos magazine: Valery Anashvili, Nikolai Plotnikov, Vitaly Kurennoi, Mikhail Mayatsky and other, the discussion was attended by Natalia Avtonomova, Doctor of Philosophy, Leading Researcher of the Institute for the Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Sergei Zenkin, Doctor of Philology, translator and Sergei Romashko, Professor of the Moscow State University, translator.

Participants in the discussion deliberated on the issue if translation is needed at all and what criteria (if any) for assessment of translation merits are required.