Goodbye, COVID?

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Ed. by K. Gaaze and V. Danilov

Ed. by K. Gaaze, V. Danilov, I. Dudenkova, D. Kralechkin, P. Safronov. Moscow, Gaidar Institute Press, 2020. – 432 p. (Logos magazine library).

The lack of thinking skills of the pandemic as an epoch is felt everywhere. The speeches of politicians "do not fall" into the reality of subjects, the appeals of medical authorities contradict everyday experience, requirements and prohibitions conflict with the new common sense. Gaps lead to new crises. The plague riots are not an accident, not an excess, but traces of this kind of break in our past.

This means that intellectuals need to spend time and effort to live and domesticate the COVID era in which we are trapped. The collective monograph "goodbye, COVID?" is intended to fill this gap, and also to make an inventory of the very ability of the Russian philosophical language to get used to the situation of the pandemic era. The collection includes texts by philosophers, sociologists and political scientists from the country's leading intellectual centers.

The book was published on the initiative of the Moscow philosophical circle (IFC) with the assistance of the Expert Institute for social research (EIS).

The originator of the series V. Anashvili.