Money and Interest: Economics and Ethics

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Almanac of the Center For Economic Culture

Ed. D. Kadochnikov, A. Pogrebnyak, D. Raskova. – Moscow: Gaidar Institute Publishing House; St. Petersburg: Center for Economic Culture, 2024. – (Series “New Economic Thinking”). – 424 p.

ISBN 978-5-93255-664-1 

Money is one of the fundamental phenomena of the economy and social life in general, the most important element of human civilization. It is not surprising that everything related to money has long attracted the attention of not only economists, but also representatives of a wide range of scientific disciplines, philosophy, theology, literature and art. Attempts at scientific, artistic, and ethical understanding of money, credit, and interest are very numerous and represent a significant layer of culture.
The collection offered to the attention of readers is devoted to the study and discussion of issues of monetary relations in broad social science, philosophical and cultural context.