Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives JULY 1999

Publication date
Sunday, 25.07.1999

V. Mau S. Batkibekov S. Arkhipov S. Drobyshevsky O. Izryadnova Yu. Bobylev S. Tsoukhlo I. Khramova N. Volovik N. Leonova G. Malginov

Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives


In this Issue:

Economy and politics in july 1999: determining trends for the second half year
State of the federal budget
Monetary policy
Financial markets
Investments in the real sector of the economy: housing construction
The real sector: factors and trends
Situation in industry
IET monthly trend survey: july 1999
The situation in agro-industrial sector
Foreign trade
Non-traditional methods of privatization and their financial efficiency in1995-1999


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