Metamorphoses of the Russian Health Care Reform

Publication date
Sunday, 17.09.1995

S. Shishkin

Voprosy Economiki № 9 - 1995

Transformation of the Russian health care financing and organization systems has been realized since 1988. Throughout this period the policy carried out by the state has undergone a number of metamorphoses.
At first, it was suggested to regulate the budgetary financing of health care and to extend the rights of medical institutions in solving economic problems. Later on, in 1991 the policy of radical replacement of the budgetary health care system by insurance medicine system was proclaimed. In 1993 a significant correction of the selected compulsory medical insurance model took place. In 1993 - 1994 a new model of health care financing and organization started to be introduced in all the regions but with different success. The first results of transformations have become an object for acute discussions and polar assessments. Since late 1994 the control bodies of the branch both in the Center and in the regions started to demand for radical revision of the introduced model. The core of their attitude was a restoration of the budgetary health care financing system in a new form and in combination with the voluntary medical insurance system. So, the process of insurance medicine introduction has slipped. What was the reason for that? And how can we explain all these metamorphoses of the reform?


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