Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives MARCH 2004
Publication date
Friday, 02.04.2004
S. Zhavoronkov O. Fomichev A. Razin S. Ponomarenko P. Trounin D. Polevoy O. Izryadnova Ye. Ilyukhina Yu. Bobylev Yu. Tsukhlo Yu. Volovik N. Leonova A. Radygin N. Shmeleva N. Kardashevsky V. Tsymbal V. Turuntseva S. Ponomarenko Ye. Bolshakova I. Tolmacheva
Russian economy: Trends and Perspectives
Table of Contents
- March of 2004: Political and economic outcomes 3
- On the progress of reforms in March of 2004 5
- The State of the Federal Budget 6
- Monetary Policy 9
- Financial Markets 11
- Investment in fixed assets 20
- Foreign investment in the Russia's economy 22
- The Real Sector: Factors and Trends 25
- Oil and natural gas sector 27
- IET Business Survey: Industry in March of 2004 30
- Foreign Trade 32
- Mergers and takeovers in 2003 34
- The cumulative mortgage system as a new tool aimed to settle the housing problems of military personnel 39
- A forecast of certain macroeconomic indicators 42
- Issues discussed at the meetings held by the Government of the Russian Federation on March 18 and March 25 of 2004 44
- Review of economic legislation: March of 2004 48
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