The economy in transition. A selection of papers. 1999–2002
Publication date
Thursday, 27.11.2003
Y. Gaidar V. Mau S. Sinelnikov N. Glavatskaya S. Zhavoronkov K. Yanovsky V. Novikov P. Kadochnikov I. Trounin S. Chetverikov S. Batkibekov A. Zolotareva D. Nekipelov S. Drobyshevsky A. Kozlovskaya V. Nosko O. Lugovoy V. Bessonov D. Polevoy I. Khramova N. Karlova O. Shick A. Radygin R. Entov G. Malginov A. Yudin S. Shishkin
Transitional Economy
This edition contains the works of the leading specialists of the Institute for the economy in transition written during 1999–2002. Some of them were published in the IET’s collections of papers based on the materials of studies conducted within the framework of various projects; others appeared in specialized journals in the form of individual articles. The papers within this selection are grouped in five sections which correspond to the IET’s main areas of research.
Table of contents
Introduction (Russian lang)7
Section I. Political Economy 19
V. Mau
Russian economic reforms: outcomes and prospects 21
V. Mau, S. Zhavoronkov, K. Yanovsky
Political and legal factors of economic growth in Russian regions 53
V. Mau, V. Novikov
Russia and EU: the room for choice or the choice for room? 81
V. Mau, K. Yanovsky
Financial aid: can ‘cheap money’ not corrupt reform-minded governments? 97
Post-communist Russia in the post-industrial world: challenges of catch-up development 113
Section II. Budget and fiscal policy 153
S. Sinelnikov-Mourylev, P. Kadochnikov, I. Trunin
Interbudgetary transfers and fiscal behavior of Russian regional governments in 1994-2000 155
P. Kadochnikov, S. Sinelnikov-Mourylev, I. Trunin, S. Chetverikov
Reallocation and stabilization of regional revenues in the framework of Russia’s national system of interbudgetary relations 215
S. Sinelnikov-Mourylev, S. Batkibekov, P. Kadochnikov, D. Nekipelov
Evaluation of Russia’s personal income tax reform outcomes 275
Section III. Marcoeconomic and financial policy 297
S. Drobyshevsky, P. Kadochnikov
An econometric analysis of the 1998 financial crisis 299
S. Drobyshevsky
An analysis of the time structure of GKO interest rates 365
S. Drobyshevsky, A. Kozlovskaya
An analysis of inflationary processes in Russian economy 427
V. Nosko, S. Drobyshevsky
An econometric analysis and forecasting of dynamic series of basic macroeconomic indicators 483
S. Drobyshevsky
Domestic factors of Russia’s monetary and credit policy 535
P. Kadochnikov
External factors of Russia’s monetary and credit policy 575
S. Drobyshevsky , A. Zolotareva, P. Kadochnikov, S. Sinelnikov-Mourylev
Prospects for establishing stabilization fund in Russia 607
O. Lugovoy
Non-payments in a transitional economy 645
Section IV. The Real sector 735
V. Bessonov
On transformational structural shifts in Russian economy 737
P. Kadochnikov, S. Chetverikov
Import substitution in Russia in 1998-2000 789
P. Kadochnikov, D. Polevoy
The effect of changes in tariffs for electricity on prices and volume of output in Russian economy 817
I. Khramova
Agri-holdings’ operations in Russia’s food sector: case study 835
N. Karlova, O. Shick
Efficiency of the foreign trade regulation of the market for meat in Russia from the perspective of support of domestic producers 885
Section V. Institutional transformations 939
А. Radygin, R. Entov
Mergers and acquisitions in the corporate sector: main approaches, Russia’s specifics and challenges 941
А. Radygin, R. Entov
Enforcement of property rights and contractual obligations: theoretical approaches and Russian experiences 981
А. Radygin
Regulation of corporate governance provisions in Russia and EU: constraints, opportunities and prospects for unification 1025
G. Malgynov, A. Radygin, A Yudin
Structure of property in Russian regions and its dynamics through the period of market transformation 1059
S. Shishkin
Quasi-market and the role played by insurers in the compulsory medical insurance system 1085
Instead of conclusion 1141
V. Mau
Russia’s economic reforms, as mirrored by their critics in the West 1143
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