Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives - September 2009
Publication date
Wednesday, 28.10.2009
IET composite author
Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives
Monthly bulletin: Russian economy in september 2009: tentative data and major trends - Politico-economic results as of september 2009 - Inflation and monetary policy - Financial markets - Real economy sector: trends and factors - Russian industry in september 2009 - Foreign trade - The state budget - Investments in real sector of economy - Foreign investments in Russian economy - Market of the real estate in the Russian Federation - Specifics of insurance contributions to non-stop budgetary funds administration - Oil and gas sector - Municipal reform: an onslaught of the "vertical of power" - On the structure and effectiveness indices of money allowance for the RF armed forced servicemen - Farewell to the third strategic site of the US national missile defence in Eastern Europe - Review of the meetings of the government of the RF in september 2009 - Review of economic legislation - Review of regulating documents concerning taxation over august–september 2009 - Review of budgetary legislation.
Russian economy in september 2009: tentative data and major trends 2
Politico-economic results as of september 2009 (S.Zhavoronkov) 5
Inflation and monetary policy (N.Luksha) 9
Financial markets (N.Burkova, E.Khudko) 15
Real economy sector: trends and factors (O.Izryadnova) 26
Russian industry in september 2009 (S.Tsukhlo) 31
Foreign trade (N.Volovik) 34
The state budget (E.Fomina) 38
Investments in real sector of economy (O.Izryadnova) 45
Foreign investments in Russian economy (E.Ilyukhina) 54
Market of the real estate in the Russian Federation (G.Zadonsky) 59
Specifics of insurance contributions to non-stop budgetary funds administration (A.Kireeva) 65
Oil and gas sector (Yu.Bobylev) 71
Municipal reform: an onslaught of the "vertical of power" (I.Starodubrovskaya, N.Mironova) 76
On the structure and effectiveness indices of money allowance for the RF armed forced servicemen (E.Trofimova) 80
Farewell to the third strategic site of the US national missile defence in Eastern Europe (V.Tsymbal, V.Zatsepin) 85
Review of the meetings of the government of the RF in september 2009 (M.Goldin) 88
Review of economic legislation (I.Tolmacheva) 91
Review of regulating documents concerning taxation over august–september 2009 (L.Anisimova) 93
Review of budgetary legislation (M.Goldin) 101
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