Russian Economy in 2013. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 35)

Publication date
Tuesday, 27.05.2014
V. Mau, A. Bozhechkova, A. Kiyutsevskaya, P. Trunin, А. Mamedov, S. Belev, M. Deshko, А. Alaev, I. Arlashkin, A. Deryugin, V. Nazarov, А. Abramov, М. Khromov, А. Shadrin, О. Izriadnova, S. Tsukhlo, Е. Iluykhina, Yu. Bobylev, N. Karlova, V. Uzun, N. Shagaida, R. Yanbykh, N. Volovik, S. Misikhina, L. Karachurina, Т. Kliachko, I. Dezhina, G. Malginov, А. Radygin, Yu. Simachev, М. Kuzyk, B. Kuznetsov, E. Pogrebniak, Е. Apevalova, N. Polezhaeva, G. Zadonsky G. Sternik, V. Tsymbal, V. Zatsepin, I. Starodubrovskaya, K. Kazenin, I. Tolmacheva
Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives
The review provides a detailed analysis of main trends in Russia's economy in 2013. The paper contains 6 big sections that highlight single aspects of Russia's economic development: the socio-political context; the monetary and credit spheres; financial sphere; the real sector; social sphere; institutional challenges. The paper employs a huge mass of statistical data that forms the basis of original computation and numerous charts.
Section 1. The socio-political context 9
1.1. Challenges of Russian economic growth: reconstruction or acceleration? 9
1.1.1. The global economic crisis 9
1.1.2. Russian socio-economic performance in 2013 12
1.1.3. Challenges of economic growth 21
1.1.4. Socio-economic risks in the short and medium term 22
1.1.5. Priorities of an economic policy aimed at consolidating growth 27
Section 2. Monetary and budgetary sector 33
2.1. Monetary policy 33
2.1.1. Money market 33
2.1.2. Inflation processes 39
2.1.3. Key measures in the sphere of monetary and FX policy 43
2.1.4. Balance of payments and ruble exchange rate 48
2.2. State budget 54
2.2.1. Key trends in the development of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation in 2013 55
2.2.2. Analysis of the main tax receipts to the budgetary system of the Russian Federation 57
2.2.3. Budgetary expenditure 62
2.2.4. State debt of the Russian Federation 64
2.2.5. Analysis of the main parameters of the federal budget of the RF in 2009-2013 and for the period 2014-2016 67
2.2.6. Prospects for the fiscal policy in 2014-2016 72
2.3. Inter-budget relations and sub-national finances 74
2.3.1. Analysis of the main features of the consolidated budgets
of constituent entities of the Russian Federation 74
2.3.2. Financial assistance from the federal budget 80
2.3.3. Analysis of state and municipal debt 84
2.3.4. Conclusions with regard to the allocation of inter-budget transfers to other levels of the budgetary system provided by
the Federal Law dated 2 December 2013, No.349-FZ 'On the Federal Budget for 2014 and the Planning Period until 2015 and 2016' 86
Section 3. Financial markets and financial institutions 93
3.1. Post-recession stock market recovery 93
3.1.1. Comparing the parameters of two crises in Russia 93
3.1.2. Long-term and short-term financial crises 95
3.1.3. Market recovery specific features in the BRICS countires 97
3.2. Russian stock market's competitiveness 102
3.2.1. Stock markets' liquidity 102
3.2.2. Stock market capitalization 106
3.2.3. Competition with foreign stock exchanges 108
3.2.4. Integrating RTS and MICEX exchanges 110
3.3. Russia's stock market 117
3.3.1. Stock market's dependence on global price movement 117
3.3.2. Stock market's dependence on foreign portfolio investors 119
3.3.3. Stock market segments in the Moscow Exchange 124
3.3.4. Competition between the internal stock market participants 127
3.4. Ruble-denominated bond market 130
3.4.1. Government securities market 130
3.4.2. Corporate bond market 134
3.4.3. Competition in the corporate and regional bond markets 137
3.5. Financial system' and mediators' contribution to economic growth 142
3.5.1. Financial system's influence on economic growth 142
3.5.2. Corporate bonds and economic growth 146
3.5.3. IPO of shares' effect on the economy 148
3.6. Investors in the Russian stock market 150
3.6.1. Internal institutional investors 150
3.6.2. Individual domestic investors 151
3.6.3. Foreign conservative investors 155
3.7. Risks in the financial market 160
3.7.1. Prices of shares and dynamics of crude oil prices 160
3.7.2. Foreign capital outflow 161
3.7.3. Risks related to banks' and non-financial businesses' external debt 161
3.7.4. Risks related to carry trading as speculative strategy 163
3.7.5. Transaction risks in the stock market and Forts market 163
3.8. Regulation and supervision problems 164
3.9. The Russian banking sector 172
3.9.1. Main trends 172
3.9.2. Banks and households 174
3.9.3. Banks and the corporate sector 176
3.9.4. Banks and the outside world 178
3.9.5. Banks and the state 179
3.10. The Market for Municipal and Subfederal Borrowings 180
3.10.1. The Dynamics of the Market's Development 180
3.10.2. Cumulative Debt Structure 181
3.10.3. Structure of Borrowing 182
Section 4. The Real Sector of the Economy191
4.1. Macrostructure of production 191
4.1.1. Post-crisis dynamics of the Russian economy in 2009-2013 191
4.1.2. Main features of GDP use in 2009–2013 196
4.1.3. Changes in structure of GDP by sources of income 200
4.1.4. Key trends and changes in the efficiency of use of labour resources 203
4.1.5. Dynamics and structure of production by type of economic activity 206
4.2. Russian industrial enterprises in 2013 209
4.2.1. Russian industry: from stagnation to ...? 210
4.2.2. Workforce problems of the Russian industry 218
4.2.3. Investment problems of Russian industry 225
4.2.4. Precautions of industrial enterprises against the second wave of the crisis 229
4.2.5. Estimate of industry's demand for anti-crisis measures to be taken by the government 231
4.3. Investment activity 234
4.3.1. Internal domestic investments in fixed capital 234
4.3.2. Foreign investments 244
4.4. Oil and gas sector in 2013 250
4.4.1. Dynamics of global oil and gas prices 250
4.4.2. Dynamics and structure of production in the oil and gas sector 252
4.4.3. Dynamics and structure of oil and gas exports 255
4.4.4. Dynamics of prices for energy products on the domestic market 257
4.4.5. Tax regulation of the oil and gas industry 259
4.5. Russian agriculture: the first year within the World Trade Organization 264
4.5.1. General outline of agricultural performance 264
4.5.2. Situation on selected agricultural and food markets 269
4.5.3. Implementation of the State Program in 2013 273
4.5.4. Recommendations for policymakers 278
4.6. Foreign trade 283
4.6.1. The state of the global economy 283
4.6.2. Conditions of Russian foreign trade: the situation for prices of import and export of basic goods 286
4.6.3. Major indicators of Russian foreign trade 289
4.6.4. Geographical structure of Russian foreign trade 295
4.6.5. Regulation of Russian foreign trade 296
Section 5. Social Sphere 307
5.1. The Living Standards of Russia's Population 307
5.1.1. Population Income 307
5.1.2. Socioeconomic differentiation 309
5.1.3. Subsistence level and poverty 310
5.1.4. The Child Poverty Rate and the Effect of Social Policies on the Child Welfare Levels in the Russian Federation and the European Union 311
5.2. The Migration Policy and Migration Processes 315
5.2.1. Changes in the Institutions of Residence and Temporary Residence in the Russian Federation 315
5.2.2. The Effect of Migration on the Number and Pattern of the Country's Population 320
5.2.3. External Labor Migration 322
5.2.4. Migration Inside the Russian Federation 327
5.3. Key Trends in the Education System Development 330
5.4. Situation in Russian science and innovation sector 344
5.4.1. R&D expenditures and results 344
5.4.2. Principal changes to the national science and innovation policy 345
5.4.3. Institutional changes 346
5.4.4. Establishing Russian Scientific Foundation 353
5.4.5. Personnel issues in science and ways to a solution 355
5.4.6. Relations within the innovation system: technology platforms and clusters 359
5.4.7. Innovation activity incentives 361
5.4.8. Changes to the regulation of rights to the results of intellectual activity 363
Section 6. Institutional problems 365
6.1. Public sector and privatisation 365
6.1.1. The scale of the public sector in the Russian economy 365
6.1.2. Privatisation policy 369
6.1.3. Presence of the State in the economy and structural politics 383
6.1.4. Public sector government issues 387
6.1.5. Budget effect of the government property policy in 2000–2013 389
6.2. Industrial policy in Russia in 2000–2013: institutional features and key lessons 395
6.2.1. The industrial policy: terms and features, evolution of models and change in government attitude 395
6.2.2. Russian industrial policy in the 2000s: conditions and specifications, factors of change, interest groups 399
6.2.3. Analysis of examples of the formation and implementation of industrial policy in development of the automotive and nanotechnology industries 413
6.2.4. Some general lessons of industrial policy implementation in Russia 426
6.3. Bankruptcies in 2012-2013: Growth in the Number of Bankruptcies of Financial Institutions and Individual Entrepreneurs and the Introduction of New Regulations 429
6.3.1. The Dynamics of Bankruptcies in 2012–2013 429
6.3.2. Bankruptcy Legislation in 2012–2013: Special Norms for Special Societies 433
6.4. Financial Markets: Government Regulation vs Self-regulation 437
6.5. The Real Estate Market in the Russian Federation 442
6.5.1. The Land Plots Market 442
6.5.2. The Dynamics of Residential Housing Commissioning 451
6.5.3. Prices on the Housing Market 458
6.5.4. Housing Mortgage Lending 462
6.5.5. The Prospects for the Housing Market's Development 469
6.6. Defense economy and military reform in Russia 472
6.6.1. Topic military construction issues and how they can be addressed 474
6.6.2. Military recruitment policy and procurement 475
6.6.3. Military-technical policy and supplying new weapons to the Russian Armed Forces 477
6.6.4. Military and financial policy 484
6.7. The North Caucasus in 2013: the conflicts are escalating 494
6.7.1. Return to a power model: possible consequences 494
6.7.2. Land conflicts: intensifying the confrontation 499
6.8. Review of Legislation in the Sphere of Tax and Civil Legislation in 2013 504
UDC 330.34(470+571)"2013"
BBC 65.9(2Рос)
Russian Economy in 2013. Trends and Outlooks. (Issue 35) – М.: Gaidar Institute Publishers, 2014. 516 pp.
Editorial Board: S. Sinelnikov-Mourylev (editor-in-chief), А. Radygin, L. Freinkman, N. Glavatskaya.
ISBN 978-5-93255-393-0