Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives DECEMBER 2002
Publication date
Monday, 23.12.2002
L. Anisimova E. Sharipova S. Ponomarenko S. Drobyshevsky D. Skripkin E. Ilukhina O. Izryadnova S. Tsukhlo P. Kadochnikov N. Volovik N. Leonova I. Dezhina I. Tolmacheva
Russian economy: Trends and Perspectives
In this Issue:
The State of the Federal Budget
Financial Markets
Foreign investment in the Russia’s economy
The Real Sector: Factors and Trends
IET Business Survey: Industry
The effect of changes in electric power tariffs on prices
and volumes of output in the RF economy
Foreign Trade
Foreign financing of Russia’s science: new priorities
Editor: S.Tsukhlo. tel. (095) 229-9391
Design: A. Astakhov
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