The Round Table on National Entrepreneurial Initiative

On 19 December 2012, Executive Director of the Gaidar Institute Sergey Prikhodko took part in the round table ‘National Entrepreneurial Initiative in Action. From Task-setting to Results', organized by the Vedomosti newspaper.

The main topics for discussion were as follows:

  • business surveys concerning the implementation of the first priority projects in the framework of the National Entrepreneurial Initiative (NEI), and the benefits that have been achieved with the new roadmaps;
  • how to avoid the risk of the planned measures being implemented only on a formal level;
  • the instruments for involving businesses in the process of monitoring the roadmap implementation;
  • the interaction between businesses and the authority in the course of implementing the roadmaps.

Participants in the discussion included First Deputy Chairman of the RF Government Arkady Dvorkovich; RF Minister of Economic Development Andrey Belousov; Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service Ruslan Davydov; RF Deputy Minister of Energy Anton Inyutsyn; representatives of the organizations and departments responsible for the roadmap implementation; representatives of the business community, and a number of other persons.