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Completed Projects
The development of a strategy for creating and developing tourist and recreational economic zones in the Russian Federation (Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH, 2007)
The development of a comprehensive system for assessing the impact of state regulation (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, 2007)
Conducting scientific research on administrative reform implemented in Perm Krai (The Administration of the Governor of Perm Krai, 2007)
Examining the problems of planning development in the electric energy sector, particularly regarding the launch of construction projects and production facilities in various sectors of the economy (RAO “UES of Russia”, 2007)
The provision of consulting services concerning tax reform in the electric energy sector (The Center for the Optimization of the Payments of UES, 2007)
Evaluating the ability of Russian market and state institutions to compete globally and determining the prospects for their improvement in the period ending in 2020 (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, 2007)
Analysis of the economic validation of expenditures and the development of new approaches to record-keeping for the purpose of taxing individual incomes and the profits of legal entities (Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federatio
Analysis of the success with which the Government of the Russian Federation achieved its goals in 2007, and the development of proposals to increase the effectiveness of budgetary planning to increase socio-economic development in the Russian Federation
The analysis of the existing macroeconomic situation in Russia and the development of quarterly prognoses of macroeconomic development in Russia, as well as world oil prices (Lukoil, 2003-2007)
Evaluation and design of the tax law and tax policy (IBRD)
The reform of public investments on a regional (municipal) level
The analysis of the possible methods of improving the tax legislation governing the indirect taxation of tobacco manufacturing (Philip Morris Sales and Marketing, 2007)
Analysis of technical terminology and the development of proposals for improvements to economic-legal terminological reference materials for OAO RAO “UES of Russia” (2007)
The development of prognoses for the Russian economy, its basic sectors, and its regions for the period ending in 2030 (RAO “UES of Russia”, 2007)
Restructuring public sector and enhancing the efficiency of regional and local budgets’ expenditures
Situational prognosis of the indicators of socio-economic development and the state of the monetary system of the Russian Federation (Central Bank of the Russian Federation, 2005–2006)
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