Yegor Gaidar
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Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook
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Model Calculations of Short-Term Forecasts
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Completed Projects
Development of approaches and methods of evaluation of efficiency of implementation of JSC Gasprom’s investment program (JSC “NIIgazekonomika”, 2009-2010)
Participation in implementing reforms of budgetary networks: the organization of the budgetary sector (FER, 2007-2008)
Creation of a inter-regional economico-environmental model to evaluate measures aimed to the sustainable development of RF (EU, TsEFIR, 2009–2011)
The development of the suggestions concerning the direction for improvement of the legislation on regulation of taxation of the innovative activity (RUSNANO, 2009)
Development and substantiation of methodological approaches to construct the system for forecasting the main socio-economic parameters of the development of the Russian Federation (Open Joint-Stock Company Sberbank of Russia, 2009)
Development of the methodology for forecasting the dynamics of the currency exchange rates, quotations of securities and debt liabilities of foreign countries
The estimation of the influence of the financial crisis on the development of the tobacco industry in Russian (Philip Morris Sales and Marketing Ltd., 2009)
Development of the project documentation for the construction of highway Moscow - Saint-Petersburg in the section from 58th to 684th kilometer (TRANSPROEKT Ltd., 2009)
Analysis and estimation of the efficiency for application of the tax legislation concerning the taxation of tobacco industry in the environment of crisis (Closed Joint-Stock Company International Services for Tobacco Marketing, 2009)
Improvement and development of the methods for analyzing the condition and the conduction of model calculations for short-term forecasts of the development of the branches of industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Analysis and estimation of the consequences of the development of the Russian economy up to 2030 for the budget (Closed Joint-Stock Company Energy Forecasting Agency, 2008)
Analysis of the effect on the Russian agriculture and the agro-industrial complex produced by the organization of employees’ catering on the basis of the checks for catering and its social and economic estimation (Sodexo PASS CIS Ltd., 2008-2009)
Institutional Development Department
Analysis of problems of increasing efficiency of the taxation mechanism under implementation of production sharing agreements (GNU "GNII systemnogo analiza" of the Accounting Chamber of RF, 2008)
Short-Term Forecast Department
Mineral Sector Economics Department
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