
Mikhail Khromov: We spend export income solely to increase import purchasing

02 august 2013

On July 30 Leading Expert of the Center for Structural Research of the Gaidar Institute Mikhail Khromov took part in "Сухой завтрак" ("Breakfast Snack") with Oleg Dmitriev TV program on Fiman-FM. The topic of the discussion was Russia's competitive opportunities for investment funds in the world market.

Mikhail Khromov: The monetary reform can’t be considered absolutely efficient

26 july 2013

On July 26, 2013, senior expert of Gaidar Institute's Center for Structural Surveys Mikhail Khromov gave his comments to Chanel 5 on the 20th anniversary of the monetary reform in Russia.

Sergei Tsukhlo: Initial data on July deliver no optimism whatsoever

22 july 2013

Head of Gaidar Institute's Business Surveys Laboratory Sergei Tsukhlo attended a round table on Industry in Russia: On the Eve of Stagnation? which was held under the auspices of RIANOVOSTI news agency on July 19, 2013.

Aleksey Vedev: No growth points can be seen, even with a favorable economic situation

15 july 2013

An interview of Head of Gaidar Institute's Center for Structural Surveys Aleksey Vedev was published at "Natsionalny Bankovsky Zhurnal (National Banking Journal) (No. 7, July 2013).

Vladimir Nazarov: The Soviet bank deposits issue should have been dropped

11 july 2013

On July 11, Head of Budget Federalism Department Vladimir Nazarov gave his interview to Vzglyad newspaper with regard to a draft law establishing a new procedure for compensation for pre-reform retail deposits with Sberbank and Gosstrackh, which was submitted by the Ministry of Finance to Russia's Government for consideration.

Mikhail Khromov: The ‘devaluation’ term can hardly be applied to the current foreign exchange policy structure

10 july 2013

On July 9, leading expert of Gaidar Institute's Center for Structural Surveys Mikhail Khromov participated in the Osoboye Mneniye radio show (Radio Rossii), dedicated to the theme Who is to Benefit from Weak Ruble?

Mikhail Khromov: We eat away oil and gas revenues

09 july 2013

On July 8, leading expert of Gaidar Institute's Center for Structural Surveys Mikhail Khromov gave his comments to Kommersant-Dengi journal about the evaluation of the balance of payments published by the Bank of Russia.

Vladimir Nazarov: Civil servant wages need to be increased indeed, but through bonuses and premiums

08 july 2013

On July 8, Head of Budget Federalism Department Vladimir Nazarov gave his comments to Rossyiskaya Gazeta about Ministry of Labor's proposal to triple civil servant wages from 2014.

Tatyana Tischenko: Lack of funds is an opportunity for their efficient reallocation

04 july 2013

On July 4, Gaidar Institute's senior researcher of Budget Policy Department Tatyana Tischenko attended a round table (Draft Budget for 2014-2016) hosted by RIA Novosti.

Vladimir Nazarov: Nominal figures have nothing to do with your real pension

03 july 2013

On July 2, Head of Gaidar Institute's Budget Federalism Department Vladimir Nazarov gave an interview to the Persona. Grata radio-show (Radio Rossii), in which he explained the concept of pension calculator and why calculated pensions are in opposition to the facts.

Sergei Zhavoronkov: Judiciary reform could enhance the investment climate in Russia

03 july 2013

On July 2, Gaidar Institute's senior researcher Sergei Zhavoronkov gave an interview to the Segonya. Glavnoye talk-show (RBK-TV), in which he assessed the effect of economic amnesty.

Aleksei Vedev: Nothing but enhanced business climate can help reach high growth rates

02 july 2013

On July 2, Director of Guidar Institute's Center for Structural Surveys Aleksei Vedev published an article (How to trigger economic growth) in Forbes.

The best foreign currency exchange rate policy is to follow market trends

02 july 2013

On July 2, Deputy Head Pavel Trunin and researcher Andrei Zubarev of the Monetary Policy Department (Gaidar Institute) published an article (Economy and Currency Exchange Rate: Strong Ruble is not a problem) Vedomisti newspaper.

Sergei Prikhodko: “Ulyukayev will focus basically on fighting inflation”

27 june 2013

On June 25, Gaidar Institute's Executive Director Sergei Prikhodko gave an interview to Golos Rossii Radio Station with regard to the appointment of Aleksei Ulyukayev as Head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Russia.

Vladimir Nazarov: The Formula Should Motivate People to Work Longer

26 june 2013

On June 25, Vladimir Nazarov, Head of the Budget Policy Department of the Gaidar Institute took part in the Andrei Levchenko program on RBK-TV in which experts discussed the purpose of the pension calculator on the basis of a new formula of accrual of pensions.

Sergei Zhavoronkov on the MIR TV Channel

25 june 2013

On June 25, Sergei Zhavoronkov, Senior Researcher of the Gaidar Institute took part in the Slovo za Slovo program in which the issue - Is It True that Life in Russia is So Good? - was discussed.