
Vladimir Nazarov: Too Many Contradictory Decisions in One Year

04 october 2013

On October 3, Vladimir Nazarov, Head of the Budget Federalism Department of the Gaidar institute gave an interview to Segodnya. Glavnoe program on RBK-TV due to approval by the Government of a package of draft laws on protection of individuals' pension savings.


Sergei Zhavoronkov: Goods from the Far East Become Noncompetitive on the European Market

27 september 2013

On September 26, Sergei Zhavoronkov, Leading Researcher of the Gaidar Institute gave an interview to Sergodny. Glavnoe program on RBK-TV which dealt with issues of economic development of Russia's Far East.



Mikhail Khromov: Measures of the Central Bank should be aimed both at banks and the population

05 september 2013

On September 5 Leading Expert of the Center for Structural Research of the Gaidar Institute Mikhail Khromov gave an interview to "Сегодня.Главное" ("Today.Important") TV program on RBK-TV on the Central Bank's intention to slow down the consumer loan growth rates by increasing risk-benefit ratios.

Sergey Zhavoronkov: It is just the time to recall the concept of “soft power”

30 august 2013

On August 29 Senior Researcher of the Gaidar Institute Sergey Zhavoronkov published in "Новая газета" ("New Gazette") newspaper article "Fat Job of a Dictator" devoted to the crisis in the Russian and Belorussian relationship.

Alexey Vedev: Lobbyism of natural monopolies is one of the reasons for the inflation growth

29 august 2013

On August 29 Director of the Center for Structural Research of the Gaidar Institute Alexey Vedev gave an interview to "Утро России" ("Russia's Morning") TV program on Россия-1 (Russia-1) TV channel on the reasons for growth of consumer prices in Russia.

Sergey Zhavoronkov: “We could refuse from Belorussia’s services but not from those of Ukraine”

29 august 2013

On August 29 Senior Researcher of the Gaidar Institute Sergey Zhavoronkov gave an interview to "Новые известия" ("New Report") newspaper in connection with the serious tension arisen recently in the relationships between Russia and its nearest neighbors Belorussia and Ukraine.

Mikhail Khromov: The assessment of the Ministry of Economic Development is inertial

27 august 2013

On August 26 Leading Expert of the Center for Structural Research of the Gaidar Institute Mikhail Khromov gave an interview to "Сегодня.Главное" TV program on RBK-TV in connection with the Ministry of Economic Development's GDP growth reduction forecast for 2013 by 1.8%.

Vladimir Nazarov: Proposals of the Ministry of Finance are aimed, in a long run, at stabilization of the pension system

27 august 2013

On August 26 Head of the Budget Federalism Department of the Gaidar Institute Vladimir Nazarov took part in "Парадокс" ("Paradox") TV program on Finam FM radio station, where the proposals of the Ministry of Finance on cancellation of the maternity capital and review of the pension system were discussed.

It is very difficult to carry out reforms in a quick and painless manner

19 august 2013

"Вопросы экономики" ("Economic Issues") magazine published an article of Academic Director of the Gaidar Institute Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylyov and Head of the Industrial Organization and Infrastructure Economics Department Georgy Idrisov.

Sergey Zhavoronkov: We shouldn’t expect return on investments in Abkhazia

13 august 2013

On August 8 Senior Researcher Sergey Zhavoronkov gave an interview to "Сегодня.Главное" TV program on RBK-TV. The topic of the conversation was the economic condition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Mikhail Khromov: By expanding consumer loans we stimulate import rather than domestic production

05 august 2013

On August 5 Leading Expert of the Center for Structural Research of the Gaidar Institute Mikhail Khromov took part in the round table "Loan Interest Rates: the Way to Reduction" , organized by РИА-Новости (RIA-News).

The policy should be adjusted toward the creation of long-term preconditions for the economic growth

05 august 2013

On August 5 "Ведомости" ("Gazette") newspaper published an article of Academic Director of the Gaidar Institute Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylyov and Head of the Industrial Organization and Infrastructure Economics Department Georgy Idrisov.

Mikhail Khromov: Nominal income fr om retail loans has almost caught up with income from corporate loans

02 august 2013

On August 2 Forbes published article of Leading Expert of the Center for Structural Research of the Gaidar Institute Mikhail Khromov "The country is in debt: what should be done to deal with the Russians' appeal to retail loans". In his article the author gave an answer to the following question: which mechanisms are able to lim it the growth of consumer loans?

Sergey Tsukhlo: There is a lack of workers even now, when the economic growth is almost zero

02 august 2013

On July 31Head of the Business Service Laboratory Sergey Tsukhlo took part in TV program "Здесь и сейчас" ("Right Here Right Now") on "Дождь" ("Rain") TV-channel. The reasons for the Russia's industry downturn were discussed in the program.

Sergey Tsukhlo: The restraining influence of import on the domestic production has reached its historical maximum

02 august 2013

Оn July 31 Head of the Business Service Laboratory Sergey Tsukhlo took part in "Сегодня.Главное" TV program on RBK-TV. The central topic of the show was the project for construction of railway mainline "Moscow-Kazan" and influence of such projects on the country's economy