
Sergey Prikhodko: The CIS Must Be Turned From a Divorce Contract into a Marriage Contract

17 october 2012

On 16 October 2012, Executive Director of the Gaidar Institute Sergey Prikhodko took part in the Moscow – Kiev videobridge ‘ “Europe – Eurasia” Single Trade Space. The Project’s Future’ organized by RIA Novosti.

Natalia Shagaida: Long-Term Land Policy Goals Must Be Formulated

16 october 2012

On 15 October 2012, Head of the Agricultural Policy Department of the Gaidar Institute Natalia Shagaida participated in the multimedia round table ‘The Land Resources of the Russian Economy’ organized by RIA Novosti.

Vladimir Nazarov: How to Make Pension Investment More Efficient?

15 october 2012

On 15 October 2012, Head of the Budget Federalism Department of the Gaidar Institute Vladimir Nazarov published an article in the Vedomosti newspaper on where and how pension resources should be invested.

Presentation of Books of the Gaidar Institute’s Publishing House at the Non-Fiction Book Fair

15 october 2012

On December 1, 2012, a presentation of books of the Gaidar Institute's Publishing House will be held at the Non-Fiction Book Fair.

Sergey Drobushevsky Took Part in the First Session of the International Economic Forum’s Council for Russia

15 october 2012

On 14 October 2012, Head of the Center for Macroeconomics and Finance Sergey Drobyshevsky took part in the first session of the International Economic Forum’s Council for Russia.

Aleksey Vedev: Russia’s Economy Will Grow No Farther

11 october 2012

On 10 October 2012, Director of the Structural Research Center Aleksey Vedev took part in the Dialogue program on the RBK-TV channel.

Vladimir Nazarov: Pension Age Will Rise, But Not in the Nearest Future

10 october 2012

On 10 October 2012, Head of the Budget Federalism Department of the Gaidar Institute Vladimir Nazarov took part in the Russia’s Morning program on the Russia-1 TV channel. 

Mikhail Khromov: The Tasks of the Financial Mega-Regulator Must be Strictly Defined

09 october 2012

On 8 October 2012, researcher of the Structural Research Center of the Gaidar Institute Mikhail Khromov took part in the round table ‘The Creation of a Financial Mega-Regulator in Russia: From Idea to Implementation’ , organized by RIA Novosti. 

Sergey Drobyshevsky: The Exchange Rate of the Ruble will Depend on External Markets and Oil Prices

08 october 2012

On 8 October 2012, Head of the Center for Macroeconomics and Finance of the Gaidar Institute Sergey Drobyshevsky took part in the round table  ‘The Currency Corridor: Will the Ruble Go Free Float?’, organized by RIA Novosti.    

Conclusions on the draft Federal Budget for 2013 and the 2014–2015 Planned Period

08 october 2012

The Gaidar Institute prepared its conclusions on the draft Federal Budget for 2013 and the 2014-2015 planned period.


Ilya Sokolov: Return to budgetary rules is a principal issue

05 october 2012

On October 4, 2012, Ilya Sokolov, Head of the Budget Policy Department of the Gaidar Institute took part in an on-line conference: Russian Economy: How Shall We Live with a New Budget? which was held on the Web-site:

Vladimir Nazarov: Four options to use pension savings

01 october 2012

In his article –How to Spend Pension Savings -- Vladimir Nazarov, Head of the Budget Federalism Department advises not to treat the funded pension as a cushion for a rainy day. The article was carried by the Vedomosty daily on October 1, 2012.

Vladimir Nazarov: "It is better to make one step in the right direction than two steps into the abyss"

25 september 2012

On September 25, 2012, Vladimir Nazarov, Head of the Department of the Gaidar Institute had an article -- The Pension Reform: Controversial and Obvious Things – published by the Izvestia daily.

Sergei Drobyshevsky: "The Difference between the deposit rate and the inflation rate should not exceed 1%-2%"

25 september 2012

On September 25, 2012, Sergei Drobyshevsky, Head of the Center for Macroeconomics and Finance gave an interview to the Novye Izvestia daily. The interview is dedicated to the policy of the Central Bank of Russia.

Alexander Knobel: The inflow of private investments in the primary sector will depend on tax privileges

24 september 2012

On September 22, 2012, Alexander Knobel, Head of the Foreign Trade Department of the Gaidar Institute made a comment to the Proneft program (Russia 24).

Alexei Vedev: Efficiency of the mega-regulator will depend on the quality of monitoring of risks

20 september 2012

On September 2012,  Alexei Vedev, Director of the Structural Research Center took part in a joint meeting of the Banks and Banking Commission of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs  (RUIE) and the RUIE Commission on the Financial Industry.