
Alexey Vedev: A Growth of 3% of GDP Must Be Struggled for

23 january 2013

On 21 January, Head of the Gaidar Institute’s Center for Structural Studies Alexey Vedev took part in the TV show V fokuse [In Focus] on the RBK-TV channel, its theme being “Russia’s Economy: An Order to Survive”.

Sergey Drobyshevsky: Such Reforms Never Produce a Prompt Effect

21 january 2013

On 19 January, Head of the Gaidar Institute’s Center for Macroeconomics and Finance Sergey Drobyshevsky gave an interview to the Voice of Russia Radio Station about the Gaidar Forum held on 16–19 January in Moscow.

Pavel Trunin: The Ruble’s Status Will Be Improving

18 january 2013

On 17 January, Head of the Gaidar Institute’s Monetary Policy Department gave an  interview to the Voice of Russia Radio Station about the ruble’s prospects as a reserve currency. 

The Round Table on National Entrepreneurial Initiative

19 december 2012

On 19 December 2012, Executive Director of the Gaidar Institute Sergey Prikhodko took part in the round table ‘National Entrepreneurial Initiative in Action. From Task-setting to Results', organized by the Vedomosti newspaper.

Acknowledgement to Gaidar Institute Experts

13 december 2012

The State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Innovation Development and Entrepreneurship expressed acknowledgement to a large group of Gaidar Institute staff members.


Sergei Zhavoronkov: The name of Angela Davis would better fit that list

13 december 2012

On December 12, 2012 Sergei Zhavoronkov, Senior Researcher of Gaidar Institute took part in the Russian News Service radio program " One's Own Truth" on the subject "Russia intends to provide a feedback to Magnitsky List.

Vladimir Nazarov: The Prices Would Have Arrowed Upward in Any Market

26 november 2012

On November 23, 2012 Head of the Budget Federalism Department of Gaidar Institute Vladimir Nazarov took part in the "Realnoe Vremya" ("Real Time") programme at Finam FM radio station.


Vladimir Mau: Our labor costs are growing, but there are no incentives to improve institutions

20 november 2012

On November 19, 2012 Vladimir Mau, Leading Researcher of Gaidar Institute gave an interview to "Itogi" periodical.

Vladimir Nazarov: By the end of the three-year term we will have 70% of confidential costs

19 november 2012

On November 10, 2012 Vladimir Nazarov, Head of Gaidar Institute Budget Federalism Department gave comments to the "Dialogue" program of OREN-TV.

Vitaly Tsymbal: It is necessary to prepare the army first, and then supply it with modern weapons

09 november 2012

On November 8, 2012 Vitaly Tsymbal, Principal Researcher of Gaidar Institute Military-Industrial Sector Department, took part in the "Igor Vittel" program of RBC-TV on "The Ministry of Defense: look, who has resigned".

Sergey Zhavoronkov: We Should Not Expect That the State Will Withdraw from the Fuel and Energy Complex in the Nearest Future

02 november 2012

Sergey Zhavoronkov, Senior Researcher of the Center for Political Economy and Regional Development of the Gaidar Institute, took part in the roundtable ‘Privatization. The Second Wave' hosted by the RIA-Novosti information agency.

Gaidar Readings in Moscow

01 november 2012

On 13 November 2012, the Gaidar Institute and the Yegor Gaidar Foundation will host the Gaidar Readings forum ‘Poverty in Russia: New Trends in Income and Consumption'.


Sergey Tsukhlo: Russian Industry Continues to Lose Workers

31 october 2012

On 31 October, Sergey Tsukhlo, Head of the Business Surveys Laboratory of the Gaidar Institute, published an article in the Nezavisimaia Gazeta newspaper entitled "The Traps of Official Statistics".

Vladimir Nazarov: Revenues from Privatization Can Become a Source of Pension Funding

31 october 2012

On 30 October 2012, Vladimir Nazarov, Head of the Budget Federalism Department of the Gaidar Institute, published an article in the Vedomosti newspaper entitled ‘Managing the Future: A Hidden Reserve'.

Sergei Zhavoronkov: In the oil and gas industry the private business is more efficient than state-run companies

24 october 2012

On October 23, 2012, Sergei Zhavoronkov, Senior Researcher of the Institutional Development Department of the Gaidar Institute took part in the Igor Vittel Program on RBK-TV.
The program dealt with the issue: New Privatization: What For and For Whom?

Mikhail Khromov: The Policy of the Central Bank of Russia contributes less and less to capital inflow

19 october 2012

On October 19, 2012, Mikhail Khromov, Leading Researcher of the Structural Research Center of the Gaidar Institute took part in an on-line conference: The Investment Climate in Russia: Capital Outflow as a Threat to Economic Development which was held on the Web-site: