Authors Title Series Date of publication
Ye. Gaidar A Long Time. Russia in the World: Essays on Economic History Publishing house "Delo" 18.01.2005  
I. Trunin Reform of Fiscal Federalism in Russia: Fiscal Behavior at the Subnational Level of Government Barcelona - December, 13 2004 13.12.2004
I. Trunin Reform of Fiscal Federalism in Russia: Budget Constraints at the Subnational Level of Government and Subnational Fiscal Behavior Kingston, ON - November, 22 2004 22.11.2004
I. Trounin Intergovernmental Transfers Reform in Russia: Trends and Perspectives Washington, DC - May, 7 2004 23.09.2004
Elena Sharipova George Chabakaury Public Policy and Budget Structure: Analysis of Budget Development in CIS and Developed Countries International Conference "Transition in the CIS: Achievements and New Challenges", Moscow, September 13-14, 2004 14.09.2004  
B. Gardner W. Liefert Eu. Serova Fertilizer Markets and Allocative Efficiency International Conference "Transition in the CIS: Achievements and New Challenges", Moscow, September 13-14, 2004 14.09.2004
O. Shick The State Regulation of the Input Market International Conference "Transition in the CIS: Achievements and New Challenges", Moscow, September 13-14, 2004 14.09.2004
Eu. Serova The Development of Purchased Agricultural Inputs Market in Russia International Conference "Transition in the CIS: Achievements and New Challenges", Moscow, September 13-14, 2004 14.09.2004
Stanley Fischer Socio-Economic Transformations in the CIS: Prospects and Challenges International Conference "Transition in the CIS: Achievements and New Challenges", Moscow, September 13-14, 2004 13.09.2004
I. Khramova Eu. Serova Motivation for Holdings in Russia’s Agri-Food Sector International Conference "Transition in the CIS: Achievements and New Challenges", Moscow, September 13-14, 2004 13.09.2004
E. Strukova (team leader), A. Golub, V. Danilov-Danilian, S. Kuraev New environmental policy and realisation of Kyoto protocol in Russia CEPRA 02.04.2004
S. Shishkin Social sphere economics: Teaching aid The State University High Shool of Economics 10.12.2003  
Y. Gaidar V. Mau S. Sinelnikov N. Glavatskaya S. Zhavoronkov K. Yanovsky V. Novikov P. Kadochnikov I. Trounin S. Chetverikov S. Batkibekov A. Zolotareva D. Nekipelov S. Drobyshevsky A. Kozlovskaya V. Nosko O. Lugovoy V. Bessonov D. Polevoy I. Khramova N. Karlova O. Shick A. Radygin R. Entov G. Malginov A. Yudin S. Shishkin The economy in transition. A selection of papers. 1999–2002 Transitional Economy 27.11.2003  
Ye. Gaidar V. Mau S. Sinelnikov A. Ulyukaev N. Glavatskaya L. Lopatnikov S. Batkibekov S. Drobyshevsky O. Izryadnova P. Kadotchnikov I. Trounin O. Lugovoy M. Dombrovsky G. Malginov A. Radygin A. Gontmakher R. Entov N. Shmeleva Yu. Simachev Yu. Bobylev S. Tsukhlo Ye. Serova I. Dezhina N. Volovik N. Leonova S. Prikhodko I. Kolosnitsyn A. Surinov I. Rozhdestvenskaya S. Shishkin I. Starodubrovskaya The economy in transition. Overviews of the economic policy of postcommunist Russia. 1998–2002 IEPP monographs 27.11.2003  
Yegor Gaidar State and Evolution (Russia's Search for a Free Market) University of Washington Press 12.08.2003  
V. Mau, Ye. Gaidar, S. Sinelnikov, A. Ulyukaev, G. Trofimov, S. Arkhipov, S. Batkibekov, S. Drobyshevsky, M. Dombrovsky, A. Radygin, N. Shmeleva, I. Doronin, A. Zakharov, E. Serova, I. Rozhdestvenskaya, S. Shishkin, I. Starodubrovskaya, Yu. Bobylev, E. Gavrilenkov, O. Izryadnova, N. Volovik, N. Leonova, S. Prikhodko, N. Smirnov, I. Kolosnitsin, B. Granville, O. Dynnikova, G. Shapiro, T. Koval, O. Lugovoy, E. Shkrebela, S. Fischer The Economics of Russian Transition MIT PRESS 19.04.2003  
Yegor Gaidar On modern economic growth and catch-up development Speech in Aerostar hotel 26.02.2003
V. Mau, S. Javoronkov, O. Fomitchev, K. Yanovskiy, Paul Hobson, Lew Lederman Investment Risks in Russia's Regions: Political and Legal Origins CEPRA 29.11.2002
V. Soptsov, O. Shakhnazarov, N. Pakhtschanyan Development of targeted social assistance programs in Altai Republic CEPRA 28.09.2002
V. Mau Economic and Political Results for 2001 and Prospects for Strengthening Economic Growth Moscow, april 2002 17.04.2002
V. Mau Post-communist country assistance programs: some approaches to evaluation of factors affecting their efficiency 16.04.2002
Pavel Zhukov Russian policies of accelerated development of the economy International conference "Post-Communist Economic Growth" Moscow, March 20-21, 2002 21.03.2002  
Anders Alsund Building Capitalism: Lessons of the Postcommunist Experience International conference "Post-Communist Economic Growth" Moscow, March 20-21, 2002 21.03.2002
Michael Alexeev Incentives and Fiscal Independence of Local Budgets International conference "Post-Communist Economic Growth" Moscow, March 20-21, 2002 21.03.2002