
Together with the RANEPA, the Gaidar Institute has Prepared Comments on the Draft Main Guidelines of the Unified Monetary Policy in 2016 and the 2017-2018 Period

10 november 2015

Generally, analysts of the Gaidar Institute and the RANEPA believe that the strategic course of the monetary policy of the Central Bank of Russia is a correct one.  Inflation targeting with a free floating exchange rate is the most up-to-date monetary policy regime which many countries along with a majority of developed ones stick to.

Issue No.15 (November) 2015 of the "Online Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook" Was Published

05 november 2015

Issue No.15 of the analytical review – The Online Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of the Social and Economic Development – was published. The goal of the above review is to follow current trends and changes in the Russian economy.

Mikhail Khromov: The Main Factor Behind the Rate of Inflation is Transformation of the Exchange Rate into Prices

05 november 2015

On 3 November 2015. Mikhail Khromov, Director of the Structural Research Center gave an interview to the "Segodnya. Glavnoe” program on the RBK-TV channel in which the prospect of reduction of the Russian Central Bank’s key rate and the regulator’s monetary policy were discussed.

Ivan Lyubimov: The List of Institutional Transformations is Not Sufficient Enough

03 november 2015

On 2 November 2015, the carried an article – The Cult of Investments: Why Proposals of the Stolypin Club Will Fail to Work – written by Ivan Lyubimov, Senior Researcher of the Gaidar Institute in collaboration with Zafar Nazarov, Professor of the University of Indiana. In the above article, the Economy of Growth plan of development of the Russian economy presented by the Stolypin Club late in October was discussed.

Sergei Tsukhlo: An eight-month period of depreciation is not enough for import substitution to succeed

28 october 2015

On 28 October 2015, the RBK Web-site carried an article – “Emotions Aside: What Hinders Import Substitution in Russia” – by Sergei Tsukhlo. The article presents the analysis of consequences of the policy of import substitution to the Russian industry. 

Employees of the Gaidar Institute Received National Awards

28 october 2015

By Order No.526 of 22 October 2015 of the President of the Russian Federation, employees of the Gaidar Institute received national awards for a great contribution to implementation of the government policy in the sphere of social and economic development of the Russian Federation and long-term effective work.

23.10.2015 – The Gaidar Readings Dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the Gaidar Institute

24 october 2015

On 23 October 2015, the Gaidar Readings – “Exploring the Present, Look into the Future” – dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Gaidar Institute was held in Moscow.

Issue No.14 (October) 2015 of the "Online Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook" Was Published

21 october 2015

Issue No.14 of the analytical review – The Online Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of the Social and Economic Development – was published. The goal of the above review is to follow current trends and changes in the Russian economy.

Alexander Knobel: Diversification of Economies will Permit to Reduce Dependence of the Countries of the Eurasian Economic Union on External Factors

16 october 2015

16 October, Alexander Knobel, Head of the Department of the International Trade gave an interview to the MIR TV Channel. The interview coincided with the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council which took place on October 16 in Kazakhstan.

Alexander Knobel: Kazakhstan’s Accession to the WTO will Create More Differences in the Trade Policy of the Eurasian Economic Union

16 october 2015

On 16 October, the carried an article – Kazakhstan in the WTO: What the Allies Should Do? --by Alexander Knobel, Head of the Foreign Trade Department in which the analysis of the consequences of Kazakhstan’s accession to the WTO for the trade policy within the frameworks of the Eurasian Economic Union was presented.

Mikhail Khromov: The Russian Central Bank’s Policy to Provide Foreign Currency Loans to Banks Smooths Volatility of the Ruble Exchange Rate

09 october 2015

Mikhail Khromov, Director of the Structural Research Center gave an interview to Ducascopy, a Swiss financial TV channel. The main topic of the interview was the monetary policy of the Central Bank of Russia and the prospects of appreciation of the ruble.

Issue No.13 (October) 2015 of the "Online Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook" Was Published

07 october 2015

Issue No.13 of the analytical review – The Online Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of the Social and Economic Development – was published. The goal of the above review is to follow current trends and changes in the Russian economy.

Sergei Tsukhlo: Many Enterprises will Face the Situation Where Expensive Import Has No Russian Analogs

06 october 2015

On 5 October 2015, the RBK Web-site carried an article -- “The Process Has Begun: How Import Substitution Takes Place in Industry” -- by Sergei Tsukhlo, Head of the Business Surveys Laboratory.

Sergei Sinelnikov-Murylev took part in the Sochi-2015 International Investment Forum

05 october 2015

On 3 October 2015, Sergei Sinelnikov-Murylev, Director of Research of the Gaidar Institute was a moderator of the brainstorming session: “The Inflation-2017. The Target Level and Instruments of Achievement” which was held within the frameworks of the Sochi International Investment Forum on 1-4 October 2015.

Georgy Idrisov Addressed the International Investment Forum in Sochi

05 october 2015

On 2 October 2015, Georgi Idrisov, Head of the Center for Real Sector took part in the Round Table: “The Changing Pattern of the Russian Economy. Sectors, Property and Growth Models” within the frameworks of the International Investment Forum which was held on 1-4 October 2015 in Sochi and delivered the report: “The Changing Pattern of the Russian Economy”.

The Gaidar Readings Took Place in Vladivostok

25 september 2015

On 25 September, the Gaidar Readings: “The New Rules and Mechanisms of Development of Russia’s Far East: Effective Practices of States of the Asia-Pacific Region and the Historic Background of the Economy of the Region” took place in Vladivostok.