
A. Knobel, B. Chokaev: For the redistribution it is necessary to pay by reduced long-term economic growth

20 may 2015

On 20 May, Vedomosti daily published an article "Public expenditure growth on defense and security slows down GDP" by the head of the International trade department, Alexander Knobel, and senior researcher of the department, Bekhan Chokaev. The authors conclude that the redistribution of resources away from the manufacturing sectors to non-productive ones (defense, law enforcement agencies) negatively effects on Russia's economic growth in the long-term.

Gaidar Institute supported holding of the 1st All-Russia youth economic forum in Yakutsk

19 may 2015

On 14-16 May, with the Gaidar Institute support in the framework of the 1st All-Russia youth economic forum, Association of economic clubs of Russia formed Model of meetings of heads of regions "Attraction of investment in the Russian regions."

Konstantin Kazenin: Early marriage very often can not follow traditions and be one of the signs of braking with traditions

19 may 2015

On 18 May, RBC portal published an article by senior researcher, Konstantin Kazenin, "Myth about an early marriage: why Caucasian traditions are contrary to what we think about them."

Mikhail Khromov: The CB puts forward verbal initiative

18 may 2015

On 14 May, director of the Center for structural research, Mikhail Khromov, gave an interview to RBC-TV in relation with the CB's renewal of currency interventions aimed at replenishment of international reserves in the amount of $100-200 mn per day.

Books by the Gaidar Institute Publishes are available in London

05 may 2015

Books by the Gaidar Institute Publishers are on sale in the largest London bookshop, Waterstones Piccadilly, where there is a department of fiction and academic literature.

Natalia Kornienko: It is irrational to fight with pirated goods and smuggling of alcohol with the help of retail logbook

28 april 2015

On 24 April, head of Tax system development department, Natalia Kornienko, commented on the initiative aimed at the introduction of retail logbook to the portal

Irina Dezhina related about the geopolitical considerations for technological development in Russia

27 april 2015

On 23 April, Irina Dezhina, leading researcher of the Social Economy Department, made presentation "Recent Geopolitical Considerations for Technological Development in Russia" at the 20th Annual Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities held in Columbia University (new York, USA).

Mikhail Khromov: In nominal terms the ruble will unlikely return to the last year’s level

27 april 2015

Mikhail Khromov, Director of the Center for Structural Research, gave an interview to Swiss finance TV Ducascopy. Main theme of the interview was: monetary policy of the CB and the prospects of ruble strengthening.

Anna Zolotareva attended a round table discussion of the Budget Code draft

24 april 2015

On 21 April, Anna Zolotareva, Director of the Center for Legal Studies, attended a round table discussion held by Financial Research Institute where they discussion a draft version of the Budget Code.

“Online Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook” released, №7 (April) 2015

24 april 2015

7th issue of "Online Monitoring of Russia’s Economic Outlook. Trends and challenges of socio-economic development" has come out. This is an analytical review which aims at monitoring currents trends and shifts in the Russian economy.

Mikhail Khromov: Rejection of the savings pension will solve short-term issues but will not protect from the long-term ones

22 april 2015

On 22 April, Mikhail Khromov, Director of the Center for Structural Research, briefed on the future of the pension system at the program 'Today. Highlights" on RBC-TV.

Gaidar Readings on Islamic banking held in Baku

17 april 2015

On 17 April 2015, Gaidar Readings "Prospects for Islamic Banking Development on the Post-Soviet Area" were held in the city of Baku (Azerbaijan).

Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev addressed collegium of the Ministry of Finance

17 april 2015

On 14 April, Sergey Sinelnikov, Academic Director of the Gaidar Institute, addressed an extended meeting of collegium of the Ministry of Finance.

Natalia Kornienko participated in the sixth conference “Corporate tax planning”

16 april 2015

On 16 April, Natalia Kornienko, head of the Tax System Development Department, moderated session "Pressing Tax Changes in 2015" which was held at the 6th conference "Corporate Tax Planning".

Discussion club “Academia” meeting on “Social challenges in the wake of the crisis”

16 april 2015

On 15 April, the Gaidar Institute hosted a regular meeting of the Discussion club "Academia".

Gaidar Institute experts discussed issues of commercial property taxation

15 april 2015

On 14 April, Natalia Kornienko, head of the Tax System Development Department, participated in the meeting of the Committee on entrepreneurship in the sphere of economy and real estate of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.