
Leonid Isidorovich Lopatnikov Died

29 may 2014

We regret to report that Leonid I. Lopatnikov (1923–2014), PhD (Economics) Russian economist and journalist and leading researcher of the Gaidar Institute died on May 29. Leonid I. Lopatnikov was a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. In June 1941, soon after leaving the school he went as a volunteer to the front.

The Gaidar Readings in Rostov-on-Don

19 may 2014

On May 19, 2014, the Gaidar readings – the Prospects of Development, Potential and Limitations of Support by Banks of the Southern Federal District of Economic Growth -- were held in Rostov-on-Don.

Mikhail Khromov: Retail bank deposits is the basis for a sustainable resource base for banks

15 may 2014

On May 13, 2014, a leading expert of Gaidar Institute’s Center for Structural Research Mikhail Khromov gave an interview to the Ekonomika program at the Moskva-24 TV channel on the outflow of retail deposits from banks. 

Konstantin Kazenin: All discussions about new appointments concern the two concepts – economics and power

14 may 2014

On May 14, 2014, Forbes published an article, "Why does the Caucasus need a ministry", of senior researcher of Gaidar Institute Konstantin Kazenin, about political shakeups in the North Caucasus Federal District and the establishment of a new Ministry for North Caucasus Affairs.

Alexander Knobel: Still many issues to be addressed to establish the Eurasian Economic Union

13 may 2014

On May 12, 2014, Head of Gaidar Institute’s Foreign Trade Department Alexander Knobel attended the Prav?da! Program at the OTR TV channel to discuss the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Nataliya Korniyenko: Amendments to the Tax Code lead to integration of fiscal and financial accounting

12 may 2014

On May 8, 2014, Head of of Gaidar Institute’s Tax System Development Department Nataliya Korniyenko attended the Formula Prava Program at the Stolitsa FM Radio Station to discuss the amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. 

Members of Gaidar Institute attend the 2014 OECD Forum

06 may 2014

On May 5 thru 6, 2014, members of Gaidar Institute attended the 2014 OECD Forum on Sustainabel Economy for a Society Without Discrimination which was held in Paris.
The Forum was attended by Gaidar Institute's Executive Director Sergei Prikhodko, Research Director of Gaidar Institute Sergey Drobyshevsky and Director of Center for Macroeconomics and Finance Pavel Trunin.

Gaidar Institute hosts a round table on the development of the Kaliningrad Region

30 april 2014

On April 29, 2014, a round table on the development of the Kaliningrad Region was held at Gaidar Institute.

Irina Dezhina Delivered a Report at the Conference of the Association for the Study of Nationalities

30 april 2014

On April 26, Irina Dezhina, Doctor of Economics, Leading Researcher of the Social Services Department delivered a report – The Civil Society in the Russian Science: The Role in Reforming of the Research Complex  -- at  the 19th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Nationalities  which was held at the Columbia University  (New York, the USA).

Sergey Drobyshevsky: Western sanctions have no effect on the Russian economy

30 april 2014

On April 28, 2014, Research Director of Gaidar Institute Sergey Drobyshevsky told to Actualne Newspaper from Prague about the situation in the Russian economy in the context of changes to the geopolitical environment.

Sergey Drobyshevsky: No point to disputes about what size the GDP Reserve Fund should be

29 april 2014

On April 28, 2014, Research Director of Gaidar Institute Sergey Drobyshevsky gave an interview on the budget rule to Expert magazine.

Sergei Tsukhlo’s Report at the 2014 Forum of the Light Industry (LEGPROMFORUM-2014

28 april 2014

On 22-23 April, Sergei Tsukhlo, Head of the Business Surveys Department delivered a report at the Points of Growth in the Light Industry. Innovation Projects and Research Outputs Section within the frameworks of the International Sectorial Forum: The Russian Light Industry: the Present and Future – LEGPROMFORUM-2014.

Irina Dezhina Delivered a Report at the Kennan Institute’s Conference

25 april 2014

On April 23, Irina Dezhina, Doctor of Economics, Leading Researcher of the Social Services Department delivered a report: Innovations, Brain Drain and the Russian Policy of Reforming the Higher Education (Washington, the USA).

Sergey Zhavoronkov: Political constraints hamper meaningful changes to the economic course

23 april 2014

On April 22, 2014, senior researcher of Gaidar Institute Sergey Zhavoronkov attended the Segonya Glavnoye Program at the RBC-TV channel. He told about the consequences of increased expenditures associated with the Crimea's accession to Russia, as well as how the Russian government is going to finance the budget deficit.

Aleksey Vedev: Russia’s place in the global economy is shrinking like the shagreen skin

22 april 2014

On April 22, 2014, Director of Gaidar Institute's Center for Structural Research Aleksey Vedev in an interview to the Utro Rossii program at the Rossiya-1 TV channel. He told about the threats of a zero economic growth for the country.

Aleksey Vedev: State-related banks keep dominating in the Russian market

18 april 2014

On April 17, 2014, Director of Gaidar Institute's Center for Structural Research Aleksey Vedev made a report, Banking system in the Russian Federation: Diagnosis and ways of recovery, at a meeting of the ARETT (ASSOSIATION OF RUSSIAN ECONOMIC THINK-TANKS) Dispute Club "Economic policy knots" dedicated to "Banking system: risks and ways of recovery".