
The 51st Public Choice Conference

17 march 2014

On March 6-9, Konstantin Yanovsky, Head of the Institutional Analysis Department of the Gaidar Institute and Sergei Zhavoronkov, Senior Researcher of the above department took part in the 51st Public Choice Conference which was held in Charleston, SC, the USA.  

N. Kornienko and E. Velikova: Abolishment of the VAT is Not Expedient in Conditions of the Customs Union and Expansion of the Single Economic Space

13 march 2014

On March 13, Natalia Kornienko, Head of the Tax System Development Department and Yelena Velikova, Senior Researcher of the Tax System Development Department took part in a round table at the Parlamentskaya Gazeta press-center on the issue: Abolishment of the VAT: Is It a Growth Incentive or Loss for the Budget?

Alexei Vedev: At Present Free Floating of the Ruble is Inexpedient. It is Important to Calm Down the Panic

13 march 2014

On March 13, Alexei Vedev, Director of the Structural Research Center took part in the Persona Grata Program on the Radio of Russia in which the devaluation of the ruble and the existing situation in the Russian economy were discussed.

Irina Starodubrovskaya: The Caucasian Community at a Turning Point

12 march 2014

On March 12, Irina Starodubrovskaya, Head of the Center for Political Economy and Regional Development of the Gaidar Institute gave an interview to the Kommersant daily dedicated to development of the situation in North Caucasus.

Sergei Prikhodko: Hope, the US Side Will Not Take Tough Measures

06 march 2014

On March 5, Sergei Prikhodko, Executive Director of the Gaidar Institute gave an interview to the Kommersant FM Radio dedicated to Russia's possible response measures to Western sanctions.

Alexei Vedev: Withdrawal of Licenses is not a Good Time for the Russian Banking Sector

05 march 2014

On March 5, Alexei Vedev, Director of the Structural Research Center of the Gaidar Institute gave an interview to the Kommersant-FM Radio due to withdrawal of licenses from three banks.

Sergei Zhavoronkov: Ukraine Has Not Paid Wages and Salaries to Public Sector Workers for Two Months

03 march 2014

On February 28, Sergei Zhavoronkov, Senior Researcher of the Gaidar Institute took part in the Moscow-Kiev videobridge on the issue: The Cabinet of Ministers is Almost Formed. What Government Will Ukraine Receive?

Volume 8 of the Yegor Gaidar Collected Works Has Come Out

28 february 2014

Volume 8 of the Yegor Gaidar Collected Works has come out (Moscow: Delo Publishing House, RANEPA, 2014 – p.768).

Sergei Zhavoronkov: The authorities do not want to resist depreciation

24 february 2014

On February 22, Sergei Zhavoronkov, Senior Researcher of the Gaidar Institute gave an interview to the Public TV of Russia Channel. The expert explained why the ruble was depreciating and who benefited from the weak national currency.


Konstatin Kazenin: I Doubt that Caucasian Turks Can Regard Turkey as Supporter in Solution of Their Problems

22 february 2014

On February 21, Konstantin Kazenin, Senior Researcher of the Gaidar Institute gave an interview to the Golos Rossii Radio in which he debunked the myth about the influence of Turkey on Turkic peoples of North Caucasus.

Alexei Vedev: Low Exchange Rate of the Ruble Does Not Ensure Pricing Competition

21 february 2014

On February 20, Alexei Vedev, Director of the Structural Research Center of the Gaidar Institute made a report -- The Results of Social and Economic Development of Russia in 2013 and the Mid-Term Prospect – at the seminar sponsored by the Department of Economic Theory and Politics of the RANEPA under the guidance of Abel Aganbegyan, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Alexei Vedev: In terms of output of investment goods the Russian industry has failed to achieve the pre-crisis level

19 february 2014

On February 15-16, Alexei Vedev, Director of the Structural Research Center of the Gaidar Institute took part in the International Economic Forum -- The Siberian Davos – which was held in the Republic of Altai.

The Gaidar Readings in Kazakhstan

14 february 2014

On February 14, the Gaidar Readings: The Integration Processes and Prospects of Economic Development of States in Terms of the Eurasian Economic Union was held in Astana, Kazakhstan. See more >>>

Mikhail Khromov: Being the net creditor of the rest of the world, the Russian economy is constantly experiencing the outflow of capital.

14 february 2014

On February 13, the Forbes magazine carried an article by Mikhail Khromov, Leading Expert of the Structural Research Center in which he outlined the factors behind the capital outflow.

The Gaidar Institute prepared The Mid-Term Forecast of Development of the Economy and Financial Sector of Russia until 2016.

13 february 2014

According to the scenario of the economic development of Russia selected by experts of the Gaidar institute as a base one, in years to come low economic activity will prevail, but gradual acceleration of economic growth is expected by virtue of a complex of government measures aimed at upgrading of the business climate in the country.

Natalis Postnikova: Within the frameworks of the concept of the Single Economic Space it would be logical to apply in the Russian Federation and Belarus the national regime in respect of branches of non-residents

13 february 2014

On February 11, the Rossiyskaya Gazeta daily carried an article -- The Capital Needs Freedom -- by Natalia Postnikova, Researcher of the Tax System Development Department. In the above article, the author analyses the measures taken to form the Single Economic Space.